2024 Alumni Breakfasts

Written by Justin Wellum | 01/24/24

This January, each DSST campus welcomed back their alumni for breakfast and re-connecting with DSST! In total, we served 102 alumni across our six high school campuses with alumni. 

Many campuses used this day to highlight the post-high school experiences of our alumni. At DSST: Montview, we heard from Isaac Rivera who is a junior at Williams College about how he is about to participate in his third study abroad trip to the Galapagos Islands, fully paid for by Williams. During a “Speed Dating” game at DSST: College View, CU Denver freshman Jessie Juarez  talked about the importance of getting plugged into a campus community and going to office hours, and advocating for all financial aid to be processed correctly.

Each of our campuses did an amazing job of taking full advantage of this day to make our alumni feel seen and welcome! Across our six campuses, there were four Morning Meetings or planned alumni engagement with the community. This was also a time to listen to how our alumni are doing and to offer immediate support. At DSST: Cole, MariCruz Rincon worked with an alum on their FAFSA during the breakfast. Additionally, an alum who stopped out of college attended the Cole breakfast and connected with a representative with AdvanceEDU to help him start classes by the end of the month.

We are extremely grateful for our partnership with AdvanceEDU who sponsored the breakfasts at DSST: Cole, DSST: Montview, and DSST: Green Valley Ranch! We were able to connect students to their team and hear about the programs they offer to students!

As we begin to look forward to this semester, here’s what we are doing next in the
alumni engagement space.

  • We are hosting a happy hour on February 23 for Class of 2008-2020 alumni!
  • We are continuing our text campaigns throughout the spring semester to help alumni stay engaged.
  • We are offering professional development and career coaching through BravenX and from a generous grant with Charter School Growth fund to members of the Class of 2022 and Class of 2023!