Join the Affinity Group Kick-Off September 17!

Posted by DSST Public Schools on 09/09/20

Come find your people at Affinity Groups! We’ll be kicking off Affinity Groups for the 20-21 year virtually on Thursday, September 17 at 4:30 PM. At this initial meeting, there will be an overview of what Affinity Groups are all about, and we will vote on our meeting cadence for the year. You can add the event to your calendar: Affinity Group Kick Off.ics, or join from this Teams link

Intersectional Affinity Groups will be held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 4:30. You can add this event to your calendar: Intersectional Affinity Groups.ics!

More about Affinity Groups: 

Affinity Groups are a member lead space that provides a unique opportunity to build a cross-campus community. They are an intentionally safe space for staff to come together with people who have the same identity (race, gender, sexual orientation, social class, ability, family structure, plus any staff are interested in leading). 

By fostering internal reflection, individuals will be equipped to recognize their power to impact change in their daily life. Through individual capacity building, larger movement forms and system change is possible as the social norm tips towards awareness, equity, and social justice. ​​

Affinity Groups are led by staff for staff and develop a sense of belonging as people deconstruct their personal experiences, develop open trusting relationships, and create a learning community with their peers. ​

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