Anna Ellis shares her journey of empowering college success at DSST

Written by DSST Public Schools | 09/29/23

Meet Anna Ellis (pictured - bottom right), the newest Manager of College Success at DSST: Conservatory Green High School in northeast Denver. In her role, Anna wears many hats, including teaching college seminar courses, managing scholarship programs and supporting athletic recruitment. 

Anna's love for college success was kindled during her undergraduate years at Dartmouth College. Following her graduation from Dartmouth in 2019, Anna made a significant move to Colorado Springs, where taught high school science at a Title I public charter school and also collaborated with the postsecondary team. Anna's journey continued as she ventured to rural Hawaii, where she took on the role of advising students through the highly competitive Questbridge Scholarship process.

These diverse experiences unveiled the glaring disparities in college access. Anna yearned for a role in a college success program equipped with robust systems to bridge gaps for historically underserved students.

In March 2023, made the difficult decision to leave Hawaii and join the DSST college success team. Driving her decision was Anna’s understanding of DSST as a remarkable institution, deeply committed to postsecondary success. Packed with excitement and determination, she boarded a flight to Denver, eager for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

Now, having spent over two months in her new role, Anna couldn't be happier to call DSST: Conservatory Green High School her new home. DSST's strength lies in its robust systems. The institution fosters a college-going culture from sixth grade onwards, with students taking college and career seminar courses as soon as they enter high school. Developing a concept of postsecondary fit for each student is a priority at all grade levels.

DSST: Conservatory Green High School encourages students to reach for their highest aspirations. With a wealth of AP course offerings and a strong emphasis on SAT preparation, DSST removes barriers to accessing elite institutions. This year, Anna has over 10 students completing Questbridge applications, and their dedication, intellectual merit and academic grit are truly outstanding. She eagerly anticipates their journey and is committed to supporting them every step of the way.

Anna Ellis considers herself fortunate to be part of the DSST: Conservatory Green community. In addition to her work, she's pursuing her own PhD in educational leadership from University of Denver. Her hope is that together, they can continue to grow and create powerful educational systems in northeast Denver.