While jack o’ lanterns, skeletons and spiderwebs haunt front porches across town, schools throughout the DSST network are also taking some time to celebrate one of the best holidays of the year- Halloween!
A costume dance at Byers Middle School this Friday will feature fashion shows and costume competitions. Last year, students brought their very best to the dance, and we can’t wait to see what they craft together this year.
Check out those costumes:
While not all schools will celebrate Halloween with a dance, many are holding competitions to let student creativity shine through. At Conservatory Green Middle School, student advisories will show their Halloween spirit with door decorating competitions, as well as a costume contest during lunch on Halloween.
College View High School senior advisories will be hosting a costume contest with big prizes at stake! The Best Duo receives free prom tickets, a catered lunch goes to the Best Group Costume, DSST swag will be awarded to the Most Creative Costume, and a Halloween goodie bag for the Scariest.
In true DSST fashion, different cultural traditions will be represented this season. For many of our students, Halloween season is not just about candy and costumes, but also recognizing ancestors and friends who have passed away. The Spanish Department and Latinos Unidos student group at Byers High School is assembling a traditional Día de los Muertos altar, to be displayed from October 30 through November 2. The celebration will culminate on the November 2 Morning Meeting, where students will have a chance to share more about the holiday to their peers.
At Conservatory Green High School, students will enjoy a Día de los Muertos screening of Coco on November 2. They’ll also be making sugar skulls, papel picado, and showing off their culinary skills in a potluck celebration. Spanish classes will be creating an altar to honor those who have passed.
Even the staff at GVR High School was caught getting into the Halloween spirit as they decorated pumpkins last week!
Wishing everyone across the DSST network a Safe and Happy Halloween!
We would love to see your pictures and stories from the Halloween happenings at your school. Email us anytime at mac@scienceandtech.org.
Do you have a suggestion? Send us a note anytime.