At Our Core: Celebrating BIG CMAS Middle School Growth Across the Network!

Posted by Stefanie Gilary on 08/22/19

While we know that test scores are not the only indicator of a thriving learning environment, they are a critical measure that exemplifies the hard work and winning strategies happening in schools across our network. 

Last week, the Colorado Department of Education released 18-19 middle school growth results, and we were especially proud to see that DSST Middle School @ Noel had the highest combined middle school growth in DPS, and the second highest combined middle school growth in the state, which was announced and celebrated at a press conference last week.

brandicmas-1Founding School Director Brandi Chin at last week’s press conference with other school leaders at high performing schools and Superintendent Susana Cordoba  

Across the network, we saw big improvements at the 6th grade level in both Math and ELA, with 5 out of our 7 middle schools showing stronger growth in grade 6 than last year.  

Diving into the data, we were proud to see so many of our schools were leading the district in serving students who qualify for free and reduced lunch, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities

FRL Growth 

DSST runs 4 of the top 8 middle schools in DPS for FRL ELA growth, and 3 of the top 8 middle schools in DPS for FRL Math growth.  

Congratulations to:

           -DSST Middle School @ Noel (#1 in both ELA & Math)

           -DSST: Byers MS (#2 in ELA and #6 in Math) 

           -DSST: Conservatory Green MS (#4 in ELA)

           -DSST: Green Valley Ranch MS (#4 in Math) 

           -DSST: Montview MS (#8 in ELA) 

ELL Growth

DSST runs the top 3 middle schools in DPS for ELL student ELA growth, and 2 of the top 4 middle schools in DPS for ELL student Math growth.  

Congratulations to:

        -DSST Middle School @ Noel (#1 in ELA & Math)

        -DSST: Byers MS (#2 in ELA)

        -DSST: Conservatory Green (#3 in ELA)

        -DSST: GVR MS (#4 in Math) 

Students with Disabilities

DSST schools also stood out as running the #1 school in the district for ELA growth among students with disabilities, and 3 of the top 4 middle schools in DPS for math growth in this group. 

Congratulations to:

        -DSST: Byers MS  (#1 for ELA and #4 for Math)

        -DSST: GVR MS (#1 for Math)

        -DSST: Conservatory Green MS (#3 for Math)

Congratulations to all of the tireless staff members in our network who are dedicated to meeting students where they are, and providing them with the supports they need to grow and succeed. We are excited to build on this important growth and continue to serve our students with excellence in the new school year. 

Do you have stories about exemplary student growth? Share them with us at mac@scienceandtech.org

Have a suggestion for us? Send us a note anytime.

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