Caregiver Spotlight: Vincent Maeda

Written by DSST Public Schools | 10/08/20

Throughout the month of September, DSST Team Members had an opportunity to connect on the best strategies to support Caregivers throughout the network both during virtual learning and in-person learning.  Take a look at the DSST Caregiver Focus Group Findings and Recommendations as we continuously advocate as a network in putting people and families first.

This week on the Caregiver Spotlight, we’re highlighting Vincent Maeda, 8th Grade Science Teacher at Cole Middle School

If you are an absolute fan of the Netflix show Get Organized with The Home Edit, you’ll appreciate the insight from this week’s DSST Caregiver, Vincent Maeda.  

As one of the key strategists in the process of defining further actions to support Caregivers, Vince, a California native from the Bay Area, consistently arrived at Caregiver Focus Group meetings with informative insight and understanding of what it means to be a DSST Team Member and Caregiver.  Vince has also miraculously planned the learning process of his six year old and classroom instruction to a science.  

Vince and his son Lucas.

Caregiver Conversations

What are a few winning strategies you have identified in balancing Caregiving and being a DSST team member?

Vince: My wife Clare and I try to schedule and plan out as much as we can.  One strategy that has been working well is having a whiteboard for Lucas with all of his classes he needs to take. This includes a drawing and a checkbox for him to be involved in the scheduling and learning process as much as possible.  When he finishes math or anything else, he checks it off.  

Lucas’ school schedule checklist during the day.

What are ways you pursue wellness for yourself as a Caregiver?

Vince: I make it a point to get up early, make breakfast, get dressed, and take a 30 minute walk.  I might have my earbuds in and listen to music during this time, but I don’t take my phone out during the entirety of the walk.  This helps me to lean into my day. 

My wife and I are both teachers, so we try to shut it down after dinner.  I found that shutting down the screens is really helpful.  Sometimes disconnecting is one of the best methods of sustaining wellness, especially while a virtual setting.  We like to sit and watch a show together.  It’s the small things we focus on, so we’re not in three different spaces doing our own things and instead actually have moments to spend together.

Please describe your role as a Caregiver and what it means to you to ‘show-up’ for your family each and every day.

Vince: I am a father of a 6 year old son, named Lucas.  I love pro-wrestling and sometimes think of parenting as being the Road Warriors, comprised of Hawk and Animal; we’re a tag team here.  To me, being a Caregiver is making sure Lucas is up in the morning and making sure he’s ready for class.  In addition to the normal school, my wife and I make sure we get to his piano lesson and karate and that he’s not on Netflix all day.  It takes true commitment and dedication.

Lucas' First Grade photo from the 2021 School Year.

Please describe your role within the DSST Network.

Vince: I’m an 8th Grade Science Teacher at Cole Middle School and this is my third year at Cole.  I’ve been teaching for seven years in total.  

What’s something unique about your classroom environment and instruction?  

Vince: My classroom is really regimented.  I was going to be a Kinder teacher and was offered 6th Grade science.  During my first year of teaching, I quickly realized even though I could not control my knowledge of the content, I could control the systems in my classroom.  My class is organized, the books are always organized and I color code everything.  When the day is over, it’s a completely relaxed vibe.

Vince’s well-arranged workstation during virtual learning.

While we have been in virtual learning, Lucas’ desk is located right next to mine, so while he does e-learning, I am teaching Science classes.  I try to focus on his learning the same way I teach students. So, when we have stuff to do, it's school time, well…as much as you can stick to the schedule of a 6 year old.  

Lucas focused on virtual learning next to Vince’s work space.

Are there any hobbies or activities you have found to create balance during COVID?

Vince: My wife will admit she does not have a green thumb, but she has contributed to the gardening trend during COVID.  That was another way to involve Lucas and get him to try different things.  

I always have enjoyed photography as well.  During this time, my wife and I started a “boutique,”  featuring portraits and more- I even did a wedding reception with 7-hours-notice.  Centering on photography motivates me to get out, go to a park and see if I can shoot Lucas in a different way.  Overall it is helping me to be more creative. 

Anything else you think would be useful and unique for DSST team members to learn more about you?  

Vince: For anyone who is a Caregiver to a small child, or on the opposite end, an elderly relative, it’s tough, but we don’t have to be perfect about it.  Clare and I have made sure even when we have binged on Netflix, we try not to feel guilty and be okay with letting Lucas watch an episode of Octonauts.  We’re in this together.