CG MS W.O.W. Art Exhibit 2/8

Posted by Stefanie Gilary on 02/04/20

8th graders from CGMS will showcase their original art creations that celebrate women who catalyzed positive change.

The 8th graders at Conservatory Green Middle School have been working with diligence throughout the month of January on a unique research-based art project titled W.O.W. (Women of Worth), that focuses on African American women, and women in general, who showed initiative to support change for their greater community.

This project is grounded in the idea of Sankofa, a metaphorical symbol used by the Akan people of Ghana that expresses the importance of reaching back to the knowledge gained in the past, and bringing it to the present to affect positive change. 




Sankofa is generally depicted as a bird with its head turned backward, taking an egg from its back.



During Amer Randall’s 8th grade Social Studies class, students researched and investigated how the historical and environmental circumstances of notable women sparked a flame within them to challenge the status quo and norms of their times. 

The class partnered with local artist Adri Norris, who supported them throughout this project and taught them collage techniques to bring their art to the next level.

adri1Adri Norris gives some pointers to two 8th grade students

This Saturday, February 8th, at 6:30 PM, students will kick off their W.O.W. Art exhibit at Coffee at the Point, where it will be displayed for two months. Students will not just have the opportunity to show off their work, but also sell it, at this Five Points cafe. 

sankofa2A sneak peek of the collages that will be on display

The students will introduce their art, and some will share original poetry that they wrote about their creations. All are welcome to enjoy a warm drink, hang out and be inspired!  

We hope to see you at the official opening this Saturday!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Amer Randell


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