FYI on DEI: Winter 2023-24 overview

Written by DSST Public Schools | 01/08/24

The 2023-2024 school year represents another year to dive deeper into Diversity Equity and Inclusion through the collective efforts, collaboration and partnerships across our network to embed “the work” that is DEI in DSST. In this FYI on DEI, we will provide updates, successes, growth opportunities and next steps in our efforts to meet our graduate profile through the elimination of educational inequity. 
DEI department goal:

  • Goal: 70% of school and HO personnel, students and families select 5 or above (3.8 out of 5) on DEI-specific perception survey measures by the end of 2024 with those who identify as African American/Black, Latino/a, or prefer not to answer scoring at or about the network average. 

DEI successes:

  1. For the 22-23 school year we met our goal that 65% of school and HO personnel, students and families select 5 or above on DEI-specific perception survey measures by end of 2028, with those who identify as African American/Black, Latino/a, or prefer not to answer scoring at or about the network average.
  2. After two network pulse survey measures as a network, 74.3% of school and HO personnel selected “agree” or “strongly agree” to the statement “I feel seen and valued for my work by my school (by HO for HO staff).”
  3. For the statement “At my school, my opinions seem to matter (At HO for HO personnel),” 79% of the network selected “agree” or “strongly agree.” In September of last year, we were at 77.18% as a network. This September, we were at 82%. This puts us well above our goal as a network.

For the 23-24 school year, there is a concerted effort to deeply embed DEI training, development and capacity-building across strategic priorities and initiatives. This is evidenced by the DEI team member lens in Teacher Rubric Training, Professional Learning Community Development, Community Engagement and Recruitment Management Development, Network School Observations and school-specific problems of practice. 

Growth opportunity:

  1. Despite early successes, there remains the feeling that DSST does not value the differences in the way people approach problems. This is evident by the drop in the overall rating (5 out of 7) during the mid-year survey and end-of-year survey last year. Mercedes Blea-Davis, Senior Manager of Diversity and Belonging is working to address this area of concern both in schools and in the Home Office.

Educational equity commitment spotlight: Intentionally inclusive systems - recruitment, hiring, retention and development

Recruit and retain transformational educators (as measured through goal performance) by leading robust training, development, fulfillment and sustainability work aligned to the DSST’s core.

  • Reduce barriers to hiring transformational talent: Create entry points specifically for Latinx and Black candidates through high-quality pipeline programs designed to quickly develop new and existing team members so they can fill high-priority positions in service of retaining and hiring transformational talent.
  • Increased Flexibility: Pursue greater flexibility for school-based staff through innovation, pilots and schedule shifts.
  • Leadership development: Equipped leaders with the skills to increase inclusivity across the organization through deliberate work to learn about and embrace different ways of learning, knowing and being across each community and our network in service of retaining transformational talent. 

*At DSST, we define a Transformational Educator as someone who is both representative of the communities we serve and who we believe will support our mission in eliminating educational inequities through demonstrated performance or potential.

Home Office and school initiatives and programs:

During the 2023-24 school year, DSST will be proactively participating in an equity audit in order to identify areas of strength and needed improvement in our efforts to advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). We are gathering input as part of the process. Various focus groups of DSST stakeholders - students, families, and staff members - took place during the months of October, November, and December by our external partner, Systemic Educational Equity, LLC. The target areas are Systems, Teaching and Learning, Student Voice Climate and Culture, Professional Development and Family and Community as Agency. 

During the Fall Semester schools and HO dove into some intentional DEI development streams. As part of this work, schools updated their Black Excellence Resolution Plans for the 23-24 school year with specific targets in Academics, Culture, Family Engagement, Retention and STEM or Rigorous Courses. Below are snapshots of development and events across the network.

  • DEI Initiatives that have occurred across our Home Office:
    • HC: DEI in Human Capital PD Series Kickoff - Who am I when I show up as an HC Leader with Schools? - Oct. 4
    • SPED: DEI in SpEd PD Series Kickoff - Oct. 26
    • CIA: DEI in CIA PD Series Kickoff - Oct. 27
    • Finance: Ally-Accomplice-Co-Conspirator PD Series Kickoff - Nov. 15
  • DEI events that schools have hosted:
    • Conservatory Green HS: Latinx Heritage Night - Sept. 21
    • Cedar Campus: Unity Fair - Oct. 6
    • College View HS: Hispanic Heritage: Closeout Celebration - Oct. 11
    • Montview HS: Student Community Forum on Conflict in the Middle East - Nov. 1
  • Development:
    • Aurora Science & Tech HS: PBL Staff Project STEM Identity - Ongoing
    • Montview MS: DEI PD using anchor text The Wake Up by Michelle Mijung Kim - Ongoing 


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in DSST is a journey, NOT a destination. Therefore, the work in DEI is not mutually exclusive to any singularities that occur in the day-to-day experiences we all encounter as a part of our identities, backgrounds, beliefs and values. We can never actually arrive at DEI; this is daily work. Therefore, it remains incumbent upon everyone in the DSST network to connect both our personal and professional selves to our work so that we can attain a true sense of belonging in DSST where every aspect of us is “fully known and affirmed for who we are, and to contribute something significant to the human story.”
