Our network is full of dedicated and talented educators who contribute in unique ways to their school culture and most importantly, the lives of their students. That’s why we’re introducing a new series that highlights the magic that our staff members bring to our network every day. We’ll be sharing great ideas and celebrating the profound impact DSST educators have made on their students’ lifelong learning journey.
We need your help! Do you know someone who deserves to be recognized for their hard work and amazing results? Complete this quick form and tell us why they should be featured on Super Staff Spotlight.
The nomination should include details on their background, what their students and colleagues love about them, fun lessons, or anything else! We would love to feature any pictures you have of this educator, whether it’s in action with students or when they’re not at work- you can send them through the form or to mac@scienceandtech.org. If video is your preferred medium, you can also submit through the form a video answering all of the questions, and we may use it in the post.
In the past, we have featured DSST teachers who were also American Ninja Warriors and musicians. We love to spotlight educators who do exemplary things inside and outside of the classroom, so be sure to consider those details as well when making your nomination!
We would like this to be an ongoing feature throughout the year, so feel free to send your nominations now, or in the coming months. We can’t wait to hear from you!