Pet of the Week: Riley the 28 Pound Cat

Posted by Stefanie Gilary on 04/20/21

Some of us may have gained the quarantine 15 over the past year, but our pets really show us how to wear the weight with style. One shining example is Riley, a 28-pound cat who belongs to the newest member of the Marketing, Advocacy, and Communications (MAC) Team, Moira Wiedenman.

Riley & Moira lounging

As the Marketing and Communications Manager, Moira handles the network’s social media presence, sharing the awesome work of our schools and our network with the larger community. (Feel free to send stories to mac@scienceandtech.org!) She is also working to help our schools become more embedded within their communities, whether that means bringing in panels of local leaders, engaging with community members and families, sharing resources, and everything in between. 

In addition to managing the network’s social media pages, she is also momager for Riley’s Instagram account, @My28PoundLife. Moira and her family adopted Riley from the Dumb Friends League almost ten years ago when he was a kitten, and they recently celebrated his 10th birthday. 

“Just a sliver of birthday cake please, I’m watching my figure!”

Riley is a goofy cat, and is always eager to make new friends. However, perhaps intimidated by his portly stature, other cats aren’t always as happy to see him. But he doesn’t let it get him down, and knows he has good friends at home, including his two human brothers, Murray and Munro.

When it’s time to eat, Riley can’t hold himself back if there’s dairy involved. Whether it’s milk, ice cream, or ranch, he’s been known to pull bowls off of tables or out of people’s hands to snag a dairy treat. 

“Please, just a little dab of ranch to go with my salad!”

Riley has sported many fun costumes, but Moira’s favorite was his cheerleader costume.

“2-4-6-8 do they know how much dairy I ate?” 

When Riley isn’t meowing loudly at mealtimes, he enjoys sleeping and sitting like a human.

Put me in coach!

Do you have a pet everyone needs to know about? Send pics to mac@scienceandtech.org

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