Seals of Biliteracy at CV HS

Posted by Stefanie Gilary on 01/28/20

At College View High School, students have been preparing for their ACCESS exams, which assess English proficiency. When they pass the test, they receive a biliteracy seal. To help get students and staff excited about acing these tests, CV HS has a resident hype man, Sal the Seal of Biliteracy.

12Sal has bodyguards who are also Spanish speakers.

Students won’t be awarded the actual biliteracy seal until the spring. In the meantime, they are having tons of fun celebrating their own multilingual backgrounds as well as their progress towards earning the real seal. 

Sal has brought joy and encouragement to so many students and staff who speak various languages, including Arabic, Vietnamese, French, German, Turkish, Russian, Spanish, Cantonese, Chuukese, Tagalog, Chamorro, computer-based languages, and of course, the language of love. Here are just a few!

IMG_3090Sal with Spanish-speaking Front Office staff, Luisa and Erica, and a student


IMG_3117Sal hanging with a French-speaking student


IMG_3123Sharing a contemplative moment with a German and Turkish speaking teacher


Chamorro-speaking students pose with Sal

Do you have fun ways of getting students excited about big exams? Share them with us at mac@scienceandtech.org


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