What to know about the DPS healthy start times

Written by DSST Public Schools | 05/05/22

Beginning in fall 2023, most DPS schools will have new bell times that align with the Board of Education's Healthy Start Times (HST) resolution. The resolution calls for middle schools and high schools to start no earlier than 8:20 a.m. each school day to support healthy sleep habits in adolescents. DPS will include information about the new bell times in this week’s Our DPS Voice newsletter. 

What this means for DSST families

DSST is still determining bell time decisions for some schools. You can see your school’s new bell schedule, as assigned by DPS here. In the bell time chart, TBD signifies DSST will be able to set times because these schools are on DPS Success Express shuttle system or get transportation from a third party. We don’t expect to finalize these TBD times until next school year but we are planning to keep all high schedules aligned, starting at 8:20 a.m. to continue our cross-campus course offerings. We know these changes may create challenges for your family, and we are committed to supporting your needs and addressing concerns new start times may bring. 

As a reminder, these new times will not be put into effect until the 2023-24 school year (not this fall). As with any change that impacts our program, will be very intentional over the next year to explore all options that support our communities with the new times.

Thank you in advance for your time and patience as we make these changes and move toward implementing Healthy Start Times beginning in August 2023.