
Announcing DSST's Next CEO

After a national search process, we are thrilled to announce Nella García Urban as the second CEO of DSST Public Schools. Nella was chosen from an identified candidate pool of over 170 diverse leaders in an extensive national search process.

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Advance your career: Join DSST for a Reach University info session on Feb 20th

Are you looking to advance your career with a bachelor's degree? The DSST Talent Team has some exciting news for you!

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DSST: Green Valley Ranch High School triumphs with Colorado ESEA Distinguished School Award

In a momentous celebration of academic excellence, DSST: Green Valley Ranch High School stood in the spotlight on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024, as it proudly received the prestigious 2023 ESEA Distinguished Schools award.

The assembly commenced with a performance by the school's drumline, setting the stage for a morning filled with pride and recognition. Principal Jennifer Jackson welcomed esteemed dignitaries, including Christina Adeboye Sullivan, from the Federal Programs and Support Office.

Sullivan presented a brief overview of the school's remarkable achievements and introduced the keynote speaker, Commissioner Susana Córdova.

Commissioner Córdova expressed her enthusiasm for being present at DSST: Green Valley Ranch High School, acknowledging the collective efforts of administrators, teachers, support staff and parents in fostering an environment of success. She emphasized the significance of sustained dedication and hard work, attributing the school's accomplishments to the daily commitment of its entire community.

“I know that this type of achievement doesn’t come easily. And it’s not just a stroke of luck,” said Córdova. “This type of steady, ongoing achievement is about the daily effort and the hard work that adds up over time. It’s about the energy and the dedication you put into every task. The same goes for the students. I know all of you have been working really hard day in and day out to do your best in school and to support each other. Your achievements are impressive!”

Córdova recognized DSST: Green Valley Ranch High School for being among the highest-achieving Title I schools out of the 750 in Colorado, and receiving the 2023 ESEA Distinguished Schools award.

Commissioner Córdova lauded the school's consistent high performance in Colorado's school accountability system since 2010. Notably, DSST: Green Valley Ranch High School demonstrated excellence in serving special student populations, outperforming 70% of all schools in Colorado for both English language arts and math achievements in 2022 and 2023.

To cap off the momentous occasion, Córdova announced a surprise monetary award for the school of $10,000 to support its whole-school reform efforts. The announcement was met with ecstatic cheers from the students, and as a symbolic "big check" was brought out.

“The work you are all doing is so impressive, and I’m incredibly proud of each and every one of you,” Córdova said. “This is a truly special place that I consider a model for other schools across the state. I believe we can all learn from you so that other schools can achieve what you are achieving.”

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DSST Mid-Year Survey: Celebrating successes and addressing concerns

Thank you all for your participation in the Mid-Year Survey -- 88% of you completed the survey, providing invaluable insights that shape the course of our journey.

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Complete the Mid-Year survey review by Jan. 17

It's time for the Mid-Year survey! As we do each year, we are sending this out so you can share your thoughts on what is working, what is not and how we can continue to grow and improve, particularly as we focus on implementing our Strategic Plan. Our annual Mid-Year Survey truly informs our work and, most importantly, how we can best serve our students and families with an excellent education and how we can support each other in doing so. Help us take steps to build a stronger community that is more equitable, just and effective in accomplishing our mission.

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FYI on DEI: Winter 2023-24 overview

The 2023-2024 school year represents another year to dive deeper into Diversity Equity and Inclusion through the collective efforts, collaboration and partnerships across our network to embed “the work” that is DEI in DSST. In this FYI on DEI, we will provide updates, successes, growth opportunities and next steps in our efforts to meet our graduate profile through the elimination of educational inequity. 
DEI department goal:

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Party like it's 2004: A look at highlights from the 23-24 holiday party

Before the Winter Break, DSST staff had a great time celebrating the holiday season at the Infinity Park Event Center. 

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Topics: College Success


Giving & Cheer Day 6: Sam LaPres on the Core Value of Integrity

Hello all! My name is Sam LaPres and I am now our Director of Mental Health and Culture. I have been in education for over 13 years, starting as a teacher in New Orleans and then moving back to Denver to be the social worker at MTV HS before transitioning to the Home Office four years ago.

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Google for Education: Teaching for Tomorrow with Dr. Keena Day

Dr. Keena Day, VP of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment at DSST Public Schools, participated in an interview with Google for Education.

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'Breath of fresh air': Associate School Director speaks on DSST's Advanced Leader Cohort Pipeline program

As part of DSST’s Leadership Pipeline Spotlight Series, we are excited to celebrate the leadership journey of Jimmy Cooley, who is serving in his first year as an Associate School Director at DSST: Conservatory Green Middle School. Cooley joined our DSST community in the 2022-2023 school year with a Master’s in Special Education and another in Educational Leadership.

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