A look into the history of Veterans Day and the forgotten veterans of the Korean War
A note from Dr. Aaron J. Griffen, VP of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
A note from Dr. Aaron J. Griffen, VP of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Topics: Community Stories
The gym doors shut with a loud thud. Three stray high schoolers sauntered in and gravitated toward the basketballs in the bleachers.
Topics: Community Stories, Beyond DSST
The U.S. News and World Report has released its list for the top middle schools in Colorado. According to the report, U.S. News analyzed 102,610 pre-K, elementary and middle schools. We are proud to report that all seven eligible DSST middle schools were ranked in the inaugural report! Congratulations to the following schools:
Topics: Community Stories
Larry Maynard and his family were excited when they heard in 2018 that a DSST school could be opening in their Aurora community. So they attended meetings to learn more.
Topics: Community Stories
Plenty of people call out sick from work or school with the intent of using that day as a mental health day.
DSST Public Schools in Denver have actually scheduled a mental health day on Monday at all 15 of their locations.
Topics: Community Stories
A small idea started in the fall of 2020 to help serve families struggling at the height of the pandemic has blossomed into something that has impacted the lives of hundreds of families.
Topics: Community Stories
Students from two Denver Schools of Science and Technology (DSST) participated in mock elections, voting on the same issues and candidates Denver’s registered voters are facing in the ongoing November 2021 Coordinated Election.
A select group of students who completed the Clerk’s Summer Youth Program in August used their newfound elections administration knowledge to run the Mile High Youth Vote mock elections at DSST Conservatory Green and DSST College View.
Topics: Community Stories
It takes a lot of hard work and team effort to keep a school running smoothly. At the helm of that effort are our school directors. October is National Principals’ Month, so today we are highlighting a few of our school leaders and thanking them for their work.
We asked them to tell us about themselves and why they got into education. Here is what they had to say:
Topics: Community Stories
It is 10:03 p.m. on a Tuesday evening, and while I should be in bed making sure I am well enough to go back to work tomorrow after being sick for the last three days, I am up. My 6-year-old daughter is asleep in her room, and my 3-year-old son...well...he is currently practicing parkour off of my bed.
There was a time in my career when I would get to work by 6 a.m. and not leave until 6 or 7 p.m. I, of course, was not married, had no kids and felt like I had to prove myself worthy enough. I remember seeing my counterparts show up to work right at the contractual time, and leave at the last bell. I used to think to myself that it was because I was new to the profession and things would get easier as the years went on.
It hasn’t.
Topics: Community Stories
Olivia, a 9th grader at DSST: Conservatory Green High School, testified at the State Capitol back in January to advocate for a bill that would automatically enroll high performing high school students into advanced classes.
Topics: Community Stories, Our Program
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