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Everything happening within the DSST community and beyond.

Take a look at how DSST is planning for the future

Over the summer, DSST kicked off planning for what we want DSST to look and feel like in five years. Since then, DSST has hosted focus groups, conducted interviews, sent out surveys, researched, and engaged nearly 1,600 DSST community members -- students, alumni, families and staff members -- in...

Introducing the newest members of DSST's Senior Leadership Team

A note from CEO, Bill Kurtz

As we near the end of the 2021-22 school year, I am excited to share some updates about DSST’s leadership team. As many of you know, DSST has grown rapidly since we started DSST MTV HS in 2004. We have since opened 15 new schools, all of which have been consistently...

Celebrating DSST’s Class of 2022

Last week DSST celebrated six graduations: DSST: Byers, DSST: Green Valley Ranch, DSST: Montview, DSST: Conservatory Green, DSST: College View and DSST: Cole. Check out some of the highlights below.

DSST: College View getting new home soccer field in huge win for community

DSST: College View has been trying to get a home soccer field since 2013, and after years of work and advocating for the campus, it was approved by Denver voters and a new field is officially in the works.The nearly $2.1 million project is being paid for by bond funding approved by the voters, and...

2021-22 Is off to a great start!

Yesterday we were thrilled to welcome nearly 7,000 students in person at our 15 schools in Denver and Aurora. Masks could not hide the joy and excitement radiating from students and staff throughout our school communities. Check out a few highlights from the day below!