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Everything happening within the DSST community and beyond.

4 Things to Consider Before DPS SchoolChoice

In Denver, any student who wants to attend a school other than their neighborhood school can take part in School Choice; and round 1 of the School Choice window opens on January 14! Denver families will have from January 14 until February 15 to submit their School Choice form on the DPS School...

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How the Advisory system helps students feel known and supported

At DSST, we believe that students thrive best in small-school environments so that each and every student is known and supported. Beyond simply having a small-school model, DSST has a few programs in place to make sure that students “don’t slip through the cracks.” One of those programs is Advisory.

College & Career Success Month

College & Career Success Month

October is not just spooky season- it’s College & Career Success Month! And while a track record of 100% of seniors solidifying post secondary plans doesn’t happen in just one month’s time, there has certainly been a flurry of October initiatives to get students ready for their next step. We are...


College View HS Goes Camping

This past weekend, 14 College View High School students went camping in the San Isabel National Forest, near Buena Vista. The overnight trip, led by four teachers, allowed students to build community across grade levels and social groups.