DSST celebrates Black History Month 2023
Throughout the month of February, our campuses held various events celebrating Black History Month with the help of Black student leaders and special community guests.
Throughout the month of February, our campuses held various events celebrating Black History Month with the help of Black student leaders and special community guests.
Written by the DSST: Montview High School journalism team:
Journalism is the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast, but by MTVnews’ definition, it is being creative and using that as a stepping stool for an intellectual,...
On any given Wednesday afternoon, you can find Tara Peña, junior at DSST: College View High School, muddying up her Converse shoes walking the Bluff Lake property completing her internship assignments. And she loves every second of it.
We asked Lori Barr, a parent from DSST: Byers, to share why she chose DSST for her son and why she thinks others should too. Here is what she said.
We asked Marco Maximiliano and Laura Jaime, two students from our DSST: College View campus, to share why they chose DSST and why they think others should too. Here is what they said.
The Winter Carnival for our Center Program students was a blast!
Recently, 11 DSST seniors across the network were named QuestBridge Match Scholars. This is the most matches ever received in DSST history. These students were matched with their college choice and will attend on a full four-year scholarship.
As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on this year so far and say thank you to the entire DSST community. This year has not been without challenges, and your support has shown your deep commitment to our students and education.
November is often looked at as the season that leads us into the holiday season, however, it is much more than that. In 1990 a decision was made and proper recognition was given to those who have called this North American soil home for much longer than any other group of people. What is now...
DSST: Montview Middle School has had a fun first Trimester. The students, staff and community have enjoyed a plethora of events. Here is a look at some of the highlights.