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Everything happening within the DSST community and beyond.

College View high schoolers celebrate incoming freshmen

The transition from middle to high school can be intimidating. It feels like the transition from being a child to taking your first step into becoming an adult. The College View campus is working to support students to help make sure they know that each one of them is valued in the Wolf Pack, and...

A Warm Welcome Back To Our Center Programs

While delayed a day thanks to the early wintry weather, Center Programs across the DSST network reopened on October 27 with great excitement! Here are just a few snapshots of Center Program joy throughout the network! 

Preparing for the 1st Day of School

It is hard to believe E-School kicks off next week. We are so thrilled to welcome all of our students to the 2020-2021 school year. The start of school will look a little different this year, and we want to ensure all families feel ready to start the year strong.